post 7

Who is a person in your field that you admire?

The person of whom i will speak is the argentine social worker called Norberto Alayón.
Norberto Alayón was from in Buenos Aires on March 31, 1945. He is a Full Professor in the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, and he is founder and director of the Center for Studies and Research in Social Work-CEITS (1987-1997).
His main books are Assistance and Assistance and Poor controlled or eradication of poverty?

I like this person because it was part to the mentality of the social work in latin america it very hopeful, because he recounts the process called reconceptualization, where social work begins to have a libertarian and social outlook, leaving aside the conservatins. This process caused the discipline to be completely turned around, because marxist looks arrive the continent and provoke a look with social conscience and preocupation of the social conscience and the professionalization of the discipline to have future social workers ready and informed.
The reconceptualization happen in the 60 and 70 year in the American Latin continent


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